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Embedded smart camera TE series installed on Olympus CX23 microscope
microscope camera WiFi output to smart devices

Eingebettet ist besser!

Eingebettet ist besser!

Machen Sie Ihr Mikroskop-Bildgebungssystem atemberaubend und vielseitiger.

​Embedded Smart Microscope Camera

Eingebautes Smart Camera-Betriebssystem

6-Kern 4G Speicher 32 GB Festplatte, externe Festplatte kann beliebig erweitert werden;
Vorinstallierte Original Office-Software, keine zusätzliche Computerbearbeitung erforderlich;
3 USB-Anschlüsse, RJ45-Anschluss und HDMI-Ausgang.

Lanoptik smart microscope camera_6-core CPU
Lanoptik smart microscope camera_4G Memory
Lanoptik smart microscope camera_32G Hard Drive
Lanoptik smart microscope camera_Preinstalled MS Office software suites
Lanoptik smart microscope camera_come with mouse and keyboard

Seamlessly Fits to Your Microscope

Thanks to the dedicatedly designed dovetail interface for the top 4 brands of microscope, the camera is suitable for most of microscopes using infinity corrected optical systems. 

In addition to perfectly matching Nikon Eclipse Ei, Si, Olympus CX series, Leica DM500, DM750, Zeiss Primostar, dedicated cameras are also customized according to the unique shape and structure of some microscopes, such as cameras suitable for Nikon Ts2, MA100N, Nikon Ts2R, etc. There are also specialized solutions for stereo microscopes with a parallel light design.